The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas


  Berkeley Buddhist Monastery

Dharma Real Buddhist University


CTTB YouTube Videos

Master Hua's Oral History Project

Vajra Bodhi Sea

Vajra Bodhi Sea Gallery

Dharma Radio


Visiting CTTB

Registration Form


Translation Certificate Program

Graduate Certificate in Buddhist Translation


Celebration of Earth Store Bodhisattva's Birthday photos - Hình ảnh và video Lễ Bồ Tát Địa Tạng Đản Sanh tại Vạn Phật Thánh Thành vào ngày 1 tháng 9, 2024

Celebration of Ullambana video & photos - Hình ảnh và video Lễ Vu Lan tại Vạn Phật Thánh Thành vào ngày 18 tháng 8, 2024

Transmission of Lay Bodhisattva Precepts photos - Hình ảnh và video Lễ Truyền Bồ Tát Giới Tại Gia tại Vạn Phật Thánh Thành vào ngày 14 và 15 tháng 7, 2024

Transmission of Precepts for the Deceased photos - Hình ảnh Lễ Truyền U Minh Gới tại Vạn Phật Thánh Thành vào ngày 11 tháng 7, 2024


29thAnniversary of Venerable Master Hua’s Entering Nirvana - Lễ Niết Bàn Tưởng Niệm Hòa Thượng Tuyên Hóa lần thứ 29 - 6/15/2024


Celebration of Shakyamuni Buddha's Birthday photos & videos - Hình Ảnh Lễ Phật Đản 2024 tại Vạn Phật Thánh Thành (ngày 12 tháng 5, 2024)


Bringing Dharma West: Chan Master Hsuan Hua, Part 1 - Phim tài liệu về Hòa Thượng Tuyên Hóa: Phật Pháp Tây Truyền - Phần 1 (Tiếng Anh và Hoa ngữ)


Bringing Dharma West: Chan Master Hsuan Hua, Part 2 - Phim tài liệu về Hòa Thượng Tuyên Hóa: Phật Pháp Tây Truyền - Phần 2 (Tiếng Anh và Hoa ngữ)


Ten Thousand Buddhas Jeweled Repentance photos - Hình Ảnh Pháp Hội Vạn Phật Bảo Sám 2024 tại Vạn Phật Thánh Thành (tháng 4, 2024)


Celebration of Gwan Yin Bodhisattva's Birthday Photos - Hình Ảnh Lễ Bồ Tát Quán Âm Đản Sanh tại Vạn Phật Thánh Thành (24 tháng 3, 2024)


15th Ordination Ceremony for the Transmission of the Complete Precepts - Hình Ảnh Đại Giới Đàn Lần Thứ 15 tại Vạn Phật Thánh Thành (ngày 14 và 15 tháng 7, 2023)


The Commemoration of the 28th Anniversary of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Entering Nirvana -  Hình Ảnh Lễ Giỗ Hòa Thượng Tuyên Hóa Lần Thứ 28 tại Vạn Phật Thánh Thành (ngày 25 tháng 6, 2023)




Video page


Song of Enlightenment

Namo Amitofo Chanting

Medicine Master Repentance

Shurangama Repentance

Avatamsaka Syllabary

Avatamsaka Repentance


Master Hua's Oral History Project

Videos - Hòa Thượng Tuyên Hóa Qua Lời Kể






法 音






Dharma Sound


Sutra Texts

Sutras with Commentatries

Dharma Talks

Pháp Âm


Kinh Sách Chú Giải

Khai Thị


萬 佛 聖 城

Introducing The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas

Giới Thiệu Vạn Phật Thánh Thành

speak.gif (24422 bytes)萬佛寶懺 - Ten Thousand Buddhas Jeweled Repentance - Vạn Phật Bảo Sám

Friday Night Meditation Class
7:30-9pm by Professor Martin Verhoeven Click here for live streamin

Friday Night Lecture with Dr. Verhoeven - Videos Archive

Saturday Night Avatamsaka Sutra Lecture
7:30pm-9:00pm by Rev. Heng Sure Click here for live streaming

Saturday Night Lectures with Rev. Heng Sure - Videos Archive


宣 化 上 人 法 音 (Mandarin Chinese)
朝 時 課 誦 - 楞嚴咒 - 大悲咒 - Morning Recitation - Shurangama Mantra - Great Compassion Mantra - Kinh Sáng - Chú Lăng Nghiêm - Chú Đại Bi
暮 時 課 誦 - Evening Recitation - Kinh Tối - 八十八佛懺悔 - Repentance before Eighty Eight Buddhas - Sám Hối Tám Mươi Tám Vị Phật
暮 時 課 誦 - Evening Recitation - Kinh Tối - 佛說阿彌陀經 - The Buddha Speaks of. Amitabha Sutra - Kinh Phật Thuyết A Di Đà
八十八佛懺悔 - Repentance before Eighty Eight Buddhas - Sám Hối Tám Mươi Tám Vị Phật
佛說阿彌陀經 - The Buddha Speaks of. Amitabha Sutra - Kinh Phật Thuyết A Di Đà
萬佛寶懺 - Ten Thousand Buddhas Repentance - Vạn Phật Bảo Sám
大悲懺 - Great Compassion Repentance - Đại Bi Sám
華 嚴 懺 - Avatamsaka Repentance - Hoa Nghiêm Sám
妙法蓮華經 - 觀世音菩薩普門品第二十五 - The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra - The Universal Door Of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva - Diệu Pháp Liên Hoa Kinh - Quán Thế Âm Bồ Tát Phổ Môn Phẩm
Teachings of Chan Patriarch Hsuan Hua (English)
Dharma Musics



Introducing The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas



Venerable Master Hsuan Hua




10,000 Buddhas Arrive


speak.gif (24422 bytes)Ten Thousand Buddhas Jeweled Repentance


Welcome Dharma Master Heng Sure and Dharma Master Heng Chau - 7/1979







Videos from

Audios from



(Proclaiming Proper Dharma)



In Memory of Ven. Master Hsuan Hua


萬 佛 臨 門
Ten Thousand Buddhas Arrive [Video]


唱 誦

1988 年 馬 來 西 五 弘 法
1988 Dharma Trip in Malaysia

1989 年 美 加 地 區 開 示
1989 USA Instructional Talks


1990 年 華 盛 頓 大 學 演 講
Dharma Talk in 1990 at the Washington University

正 法 的 震 撼
Lighting Strikes of Proper Dharma

佛 根 地 戶 外 念 佛 開 示
Pure Land talks at Buddha Root Farm

觀 音 菩 薩 的 智 慧 鑰 匙
念 佛 法 門 到 彼 岸
Recite Buddha's Name is a Paramita Dharma Door

高 僧 傳
Records of High Sanghans

佛 陀 十 大 弟 子 傳
Records of the Buddha's Ten Great Disciples

救 世 界 教 育 的 靈 丹
Save the World, Education is the Magic Medicine

佛 七 精 華 錄
Seven days Buddha Name Recitation

禪 七 精 華 錄
Seven days Chan Session

正 法 的 代 俵
Sure Sign of Proper Dharma

開 示 錄 一
Talks on Dharma, Vol. 1

開 示 錄 二
Talks on Dharma, Vol. 2

開 示 錄 四
Talks on Dharma, Vol. 4

開 示 錄 五
Talks on Dharma, Vol. 5

楞 嚴 咒 开 示
Talks on Surangama Mantra

法 雨 心 燈 照 古 今
The Dharma Rain and Lamp of the Mind Illuminates the Past and Present

法 界 唯 心
The Dharma Realm is mind only

皈 依 的 真 義
True Meaning of Taking Refuge

宣 化 上 人 開 示
Venerable Master Hsuan Hua Talks on Dharma

藥 性 賦
勸 發 菩 提 心 文 淺 釋 1979
An Exhortation of Resolve Upon Bodhi 1979

勸 發 菩 提 心 文 淺 釋 1985
An Exhortation of Resolve Upon Bodhi 1985

大 乘 百 法 明 門 論 淺 釋
Sastra on the Door to Understanding the Hundred Dharmas

永 嘉 大 師 證 道 歌 淺 釋
Song of Enlightenment

十 法 界 不 離 一 念 心
The Ten Dharma Realms Are Not Beyond A Single Thought

地 藏 菩 薩 本 願 經 淺 釋
Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva

佛 遺 教 經 淺 釋
Sutra on the Buddha's Bequeathed Teaching

佛 說 阿 彌 陀 經 淺 釋
The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra

大 方 廣 佛 華 嚴 經 淺 釋
The Flower Adornment (Avatamsaka) Sutra

華 嚴 經 普 賢 行 願 品 淺 釋 1969
The Flower Adornment (Avatamsaka) Sutra - Conduct and Vows of Universal Worthy Chapter 1969

大 方 廣 佛 華 嚴 經 疏 淺 釋
The Flower Adornment (Avatamsaka) Sutra Prologue

華 嚴 經 淨 行 品 淺 釋 1974
The Flower Adornment (Avatamsaka) Sutra - Pure Conduct Chapter 1974

大 方 廣 佛 華 嚴 經 淨 行 品 淺 釋 1981
The Flower Adornment (Avatamsaka) Sutra - Pure Conduct Chapter 1981

大 方 廣 佛 華 嚴 經 疏 序 淺 釋
The Flower Adornment (Avatamsaka) Sutra Verse Preface

般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 心 經 非 臺 頌 解
The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra

六 祖 法 寶 壇 經 淺 釋
The Sixth Patriarch's Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra

大 佛 頂 首 楞 嚴 經 淺 釋
The Surangama Sutra

楞 嚴 經 四 種 清 淨 明 誨 淺 釋
The Surangama Sutra - Four Clear and Unalterable Instructions on Purity

楞 嚴 經 大 勢 至 菩 薩 念 佛 圓 通 章 淺 釋
The Surangama Sutra - Great Strength Bodhisattva's Perfect Penetration

佛 說 四 十 二 章 經 淺 釋
The Sutra in Forty-two Sections Spoken by the Buddha

金 剛 般 若 波 羅 蜜 經 淺 釋
The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra

妙 法 蓮 華 經 淺 釋
The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra

妙 法 蓮 華 經 安 樂 行 品 淺 釋
The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra - Happily-Dwelling Conduct Chapter

妙 法 蓮 華 經 普 門 品 淺 釋
The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra - Universal Door Chapter

09/14/11 - - - - - 157.91 Mb



Sutra Texts

Sutras with Commentatries

Dharma Talks
Videos from

Audios from

Venerable Master Hsuan Hua


The City of 10,000 Buddhas

Chan Handbook
Instructional Talks
Instructional Talks from 1989 UBC
Instructional Talks from 1989 USA
Instructional Talks from 1990 UW
Instructional Talks from 1993
Instructional Talks from 1994
Records of the Life of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
Sure Sign of Proper Dharma
True Meaning of Taking Refuge
Words of Wisdom 2
An Exhortation of Resolve Upon Bodhi
The Ten Dharma Realms Are Not Beyond A Single Thought
The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra
The Lotus Sutra - Universal Door Chapter
The Surangama Sutra - Four Clear and Unalterable Instructions on Purity
The Surangama Sutra - Great Strength Bodhisattva's Perfect Penetration
The Sutra of 42 Sections
The Sutra of Medicine Master
Buddha Root Farm - Pure Land Talks in Oregon, 1975.pdf - - - - - 402.03 Kb
Six-Character Great Bright Mantra.pdf - - - - - 198.93 Kb
The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra with commentary.pdf - - - - - 1.91 Mb
The Sixth Patriarch's Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra with commentary.pdf - - - - - 2.45 Mb
The Surangama Sutra with commentary.pdf - - - - - 8.58 Mb
The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra with commentary.pdf - - - - - 1.01 Mb

The Śūraṅgama Sūtra A New Translation With Excerpts from the Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsüan Hua


Bilingual Chinese-English Online DRBA Books

Great Compassion Mantra Verses

A Pictorial Biography of the Venerable Master Hsu Yun

The Intention of Patriarch Bodhidharma's Coming from the West

Ch'an Conversation (1974)

Standards for Students

Why Should We Receive And Uphold The Five Precepts

A Sure Sign of the Proper Dharma

Innocent Little Ghosts

Transcending the World (Flash)

The Giant Turtle

How Buddhism Changed My Life (pdf - 848K)

It's called the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas

Paramita CD in exchange for kindness

Paramita CD launched!


3 American Buddhist Songs from the Paramita music CD:

It's called the City of 10,000 Buddhas (3.54 MB)

Dedication of Merit (2.40 MB

American Beef Cow (3.31 MB)


Kinh Sách Chú Giải

Khai Thị



Giới Thiệu Vạn Phật Thánh Thành


Tu Hành Tại Thánh Thành


Pháp Hội Tiêu Tai Hộ Quốc Quán Âm Đại Bi tại Đài Loan


Tuyên Hóa Thượng Nhân Pháp Âm


Cuộc Ðời và Ðạo Nghiệp của Hòa Thượng Tuyên Hóa - Giai đoạn ở Trung Quốc

Khai Thị 1
Khai Thị 2
Khai Thị 3
Khai Thị 4
Khai Thị 5
Khai Thị 6

Phật Thuyết Kinh Tứ Thập Nhị Chương
Kinh Lăng Nghiêm - Chương Đại Thế Chí Bồ Tát Niệm Phật Viên Thông

Kinh Phật Thuyết Kinh A Di Đà
Bát Nhã Ba La Mật Đa Tâm Kinh
Kinh Địa Tạng Bồ Tát Bổn Nguyện
Kinh Kim Cang Bát Nhã Ba La Mật
Kinh Lục Tổ Pháp Bảo Đàn
Kinh Diệu Pháp Liên Hoa - Phẩm Quán Thế Âm Bồ Tát Phổ Môn
Vĩnh Gia Đại Sư Chứng Đạo Ca
Văn Khuyến Phát Bồ Đề Tâm
Cẩm Nang Tu Đạo - HT Quảng Khâm
Cuộc Đời và Đạo Nghiệp của HT Tuyên Hóa - Giai đoạn ở Trung Quốc
Gậy Kim Cang Hét 1
Gậy Kim Cang Hét 2
Hoa Sen Ngày Xuân
Pháp Ngữ Lục
Pháp Nhũ Thâm Ân
Những Thai Nhi Vô Tội
Thủy Kính Hồi Thiên Lục - 1. Phẩm Đế Vương

Tam Bộ Nhất Bái

Luận Đại Thừa Trăm Pháp Minh Môn




COMMENT ÊTRE MAÎTRE DE LA VIE ET DE LA MORT-2  - Les Six Grandes Règles de Vie


Nam Mo Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva

Le Mantra de la Grande Compassion

Le Mantra Shurangama et Phonétique du texte

Enseignements sur le Dharma par le Vénérable Maître Hua



Le Bouddhadharma est dans la pratique et non dans les paroles
Le Mantra de la Grande Compassion peut dissiper les calamités
Le Pays de l'Ultime Félicité est juste sous nos yeux
Se repentir et se réformer veut dire changer ses défauts
Inciter une personne à commettre une offense aggrave celle-ci
Les quatre phases de la culture de soi
Nous levant tôt et nous retirant tard, pour qui sommes-nous occupés ?
Reciter le nom du Bouddha est comme faire un appel téléphonique
N'attendez pas d'avoir soif pour creuser un puit

Discours prononcé par le Vénérable Maître Hua (Anglais)

Discours prononcé par le Vénérable Maître Hua (Chinois)



Amitabha Session at Berkeley Buddhist Monastery    

Ten Thousand Buddhas Jeweled Repentance


19th Anniversary of Venerable Master Hua's Nirvana




Cherishing Youth Day

April 11, 2014

Celebration of Shakyamuni Buddha's Birthday (5/4/2014) 

BTTS Books Show at San Francisco Lunar New Year Festival

(2/14-15, 2014)

Celebration of Gwan Yin Bodhisattva's Birthday
March 16, 2014

Celebration of Lunar New Year at BBM


Celebrartion of Lunar New Year at Oakland Museum



Gold Buddha Monastery's Inauguration Ceremony


Celebration Of Amitabha Buddha's Birthday (12/15/2013)
13th Ordination (8/2013) Celebration of Ullambana (8/18/2013)

speak.gif (24422 bytes)Tathagata's Medicine

18th Anniversary of Venerable Master Hua's Nirvana



Celebrartion of Gwan Yin Bodhisattva's Birthday at CTTB


Celebration of Shakyamuni Buddha's Birthday (5/12/2013) 
speak.gif (24422 bytes) The Universal Door Of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva

Celebrartion of Lunar New Year at Oakland Museum


Lunar New Year Mantra Recitation (2/10/2013)
Lunar New Year Celebration at CTTB (2/10/2013)

 speak.gif (24422 bytes)The Great Compassion Repentance Celebration of Lunar New Year at BBM (2/10/2013)

Celebration of Earth Store Bodhisattva's Birthday

Celebration Of Amitabha Buddha's Birthday (12/23/2011)

Celebration of Ullambana at CTTB (8/26/2011) Celebration of Ullambana at BBM (9/1/2011)

17th Anniversary of Venerable Master Hua's Nirvana Celebration of Gwan Yin Bodhisattva's Enlightenment

Venerbale Master Hsuan Hua - Dharma for the West

50th Anniversary of Venerable Master Hua’s Bringing the Dharma to the West

Ten Thousand Buddhas Jeweled Repentance

speak.gif (24422 bytes)Ten Thousand Buddhas Jeweled Repentance


Dharma Talk During Lunch at BBM
by Dharma Master Jin Fan


Celebration of Shakyamuni Buddha's Birthday (4/22/2011) 

Rev. Heng Sure - Audio clips with Q&A: Some excerpts ... How do you determine a lie? Check your intention; words are neutral. What did your teacher advice George W. Bush when he was a US president? Be to be a full-time volunteer. :) Has capitalism failed us? Practice is second; practioner is first.

Monastic Interreligous Dialogue


Celebrartion of Gwan Yin Bodhisattva's Birthday at CTTB


speak.gif (24422 bytes) Karmic Creditors (Chinese/English)

Celebrartion of Lunar New Year at Oakland Museum



New Year's Eve Reflections


Reciting Disaster Eradicating Auspicious Spirit Mantra

(Lunar New Year 1/23/2011)


Buddhist Carols


Transmission of Eight Precepts at GSM



Buddha Root Farm Retreat 8/2011

Honoring Elders Day at CTTB (11/19/2011)


The City of 10,000 Buddhas

I Came From Empty Space


萬 佛 臨 門
Ten Thousand Buddhas Arrive

Ballad of Earth Store


Welcome Dharma Master Heng Sure and Dharma Master Heng Chau - 7/1979

Song of Enlightenment


Three Step One Bow Pilgrimages

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With One Heart Bowing to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas


CTTB - Scenery

The Road of Xuan Zang


A talk given by Dharma Master Heng Chih on August 14, 2011. Celebartion of Ullambana



Dharma talk at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, England (Part 2) (6/25/2011)

Dharma talk at Amsterdam University, Holland (6/29/2011)


The Commemoration of the Sixteenth Anniversary of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Entering Nirvana (6/5/2011)

Dharma talk at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, England (Part 1) (6/25/2011)


Celebration of Shakyamuni Buddha's Birthday (5/2011) 

Ten Thousand Buddhas Jeweled Repentance (5/2011)


Leaving Home Ceremony - Transferring Merit

Leaving Home Ceremony - A talk given by Dharma Master Heng Sure - CTTB


Amitabha Session - Reciting Amitabha Buddha's Name (12/2010)

Reciting Amitabha Buddha's Name 


The Jewel Repentance of Liang Emperor at the Gold Sage Monastery, San Jose (11/2010)


Silent Mind - Buddha Mind and a Buddhist Christmas Story (12/26/2010) 


dsc02406.jpg (98799 bytes)

"She Carries Me" (9/26/2010)

Poem in Praise of the Sangha (10/2010)


Dharma Talk

(Chinese and English)

(Celebration of Earth Store Bodhisattva's Birthday 9/5/2010)

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Honoring Elders Day (Gold Sage Monastery- 9/26/2010)


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Dharma Talk

(Chinese and English)

(Celebration of Earth Store Bodhisattva's Birthday (9/5/2010)

cap0002.jpg (66710 bytes)

Dharma Talk

(English and Chinese)

(Celebration of Earth Store Bodhisattva's Birthday 9/5/2010)


The Vegetarian Cat

(GSM 8/29/2010)

Buddha Root Farm Retreat 2010



Leaving Home Ceremony (6/2010)

Practical Meditation: A History, and How to...


Developing Virtue High School - Girls Division Graduation (6/10/2010)

The Commemoration of the Fifteenth
Anniversary of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Entering Nirvana


dsc01163.jpg (186306 bytes)

Celebration of Shakyamuni Buddha's Birthday

(Gold Mountain Monastery 5/2010)

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Bathing Buddha Ceremony

(Gold Mountain Monastery 5/2010)


Celebration of Ullambana at the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery (9/5/09)

Venerable Master Hsu Yun - Venerable Master Hsuan Hua (11/2009)


DRBU Practice Retreats

Everything is a Test


Buddhism and Postmodernism

Meaning for the Vegan Lifestyle -- Compassion




Profiles of Meditators

Dedication of Merit



Chan/Zen - Catholic Dialogue: Bishop Wester and Rev Heng Sure

Kids and meditation


A Memorial Video of the life of the Venerable Master Hua and the Cremation Ceremony

Chan/Zen - Catholic Dialogue: Sister Mary Ann Donovan - Dr. Ronald Epstein


2009 DRBU and SLTP Graduation

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Dedication of Merit of Reciting the Universal Door Chapter at the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery (8/15/09)


Celebrating Lunar New Year at Berkeley Buddhist Monastery (1/26/09)

Buddha Day Vesak Celebration at Berkeley Buddhist Monastery (5/30/09)

DRBY Conference - Freedom from Fear(4/2009)

Emperor Liang Jewel Repentance at the Gold Mountain Monastery, San Francisco



Celebrating Lunar New Year at Oakland Museum (1/25/09)


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Interfaith Dialogue and Veggie BBQ at the Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale (9/2008)



Interfaith - "Gathering of Blessings" at The Interfaith Center at the Presidio of San Francisco (10/5/08)


goldcoastdharmarealm20july2008017.jpg (212168 bytes)

Gold Coast Dharma Realm, Australia




Celebration of Shakyamuni Buddha's Birthday (5/2008)

bowing025.jpg (180371 bytes)

Ten Thousand Buddhas Jeweled Repentance

4/15/08 - 5/8//08


Translation Across Cultures at Berkeley Buddhist Monastery (3/2008)

Cherishing Youth Day (4/2008)


Celebrating New Year 2008 at Berkeley Buddhist Monastery


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Celebration of Buddha's Birthday at Avatamsaka Vihara in Maryland



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Europe Dharma Trip

(7/07 - 8/07)


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Opening Light Ceremony of Prajna Gwan Yin Sagely Monastery in Kualar Lumpur, Malaysia

(3//9/06 - 3/21/06)



Celebrating Lunar New Year at Oakland Museum (2/2007)


The Commemoration of the Ninth
Anniversary of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Entering Nirvana 



Celebration of Shakyamuni Buddha's Birthday (5/1991) 

Honoring Elders Day (CDR- 1994)


I Came from Empty Space


Venerable Master Hua - The Bodhisattva Path


Ven Master Hua - The Shurangama Mantra


The Shurangama Mantra - preservation of the Proper Dharma


Venerable Master Hsuan Hua and a rabbi

An Introduction of the 1989 Precept Transmission at CTTB


Education is the Best National Defense

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (Earth Store Bodhisattva)  


This website is under construction!